Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cut Copy - Zonoscope

Cut Copy's upcoming LP Zonoscope isn't due to hit store shelves until the first week of February but some of the elves up at the North Pole must have uploaded it to the interwebs for our aural pleasure. It's a solid album, but the highlight is still the already-released-track Take Me Over. The album however includes the almost-six-minute version of the song as opposed to the four-minute radio version previously released an featured in the vid below. Download the album here.

Check out the youtube vid below if you still aren't sure about the awesomeness of this band.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!
    Thanks for all the great musictips. Love it!Music is what life is all about and now I have some new artist to listen to. Will definitely keep reading you blog. =)
    Cheers, Jess (Swedish musiclover)
