Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Matt & Kim: Sidewalks

Matt & Kim's new album Sidewalks is out. Get it. Also, watch this video and interview.

The album is fairly short, clocking in at just over 35 minutes, but within that half-hour are some absolutely awesome songs. In the interview below, Matt talks about how they focus on the core of a song - the beat and the melody - and describes the rest as intellectual bullshit. Sidewalks is a synth-heavy production and features less traditional drumming and more handclaps, bells, and other trendy percussive gimmicks. The album is full of even more catchy hooks than 2009's Grand if that's even conceivable. Listening to this album comes with a few guarantees: you'll be bobbing your head and you'll be catching yourself smiling for no apparent reason. Give it a listen, it's worth your while. Other than the first single "Cameras" which is featured below, a few of the most instantly memorable tracks include the opener "Block After Block", "Where You're Coming From" which features the Atlanta Philharmonic, "Good for Great" and the closer "Ice Melts".

Video for "Lessons Learned" off of their second album "Grand"

and Alan Cross' interview with Matt & Kim hyping the new album Sidewalks and talking about the filming of the video for "Lessons Learned" and their reaction to Erykah Badu ripping it off.

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